Welcome to Villa Blue! The villa features two buildings that surround the pool, which is in the middle of the property. The private pool of 7 metres x 3.5 metres is designed with 3 levels, to provide distinct purposes. One level is built to sit and lounge in and have a drink! Second level is standing height and the third level allow you to submerge fully and tread water for some exercise! There is a deck that surrounds the pool with lush garden around. Lots of room to suntan!
Villa Blueヘようこそ!ビラは中央のプールを囲むように2つの建物から成り立っています。
プライベートプールは7m x 3.5m。深さを3段階に分けたデザインは、1段目が座ってラウンジのようにちょっとお飲物を楽しんだり、小さいお子様も安心。2段目はちょうど大人が立てるくらいで、3段目は潜ってウォーターエクササイズ!プールサイドには緑豊かなバナナの木。思いっきり太陽を浴びてください!